Tuesday, November 22, 2005

On the top of Monte Mario... (11/22)

...lies the Rome Cavalieri Hilton. This hotel is some serious stuff -- definitely the most expensive hotel I've ever stayed in. It's one of those hotels that everyone stops and says "Buon Giornio" and you wonder if you're supposed to tip them. We told the hotel it was our "Viaggio di Nozze" (Honeymoon) and they gave us some serious hookups. King bed (not common in Europe) and a view of Rome that will, in the immortal words of Jack Black: "Knock your f'ing socks off!" You may not be able to see it in this picture, but the white blob just to the left of the tree in the middle is the Vittorio Emmanule monument in Piazza Venezia. St. Peter's is just to the right of this picture too -- pretty amazing view. We spent about an hour just sitting on our balcony admiring the view and then took a nap before we ventured into the Eternal City!


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