Vertigo Sucks
Even though I am a big U2 fan and I enjoyed the Hitchcock movie, I think Vertigo sucks. Seriously. Let me explain. So, all is well right before New Year's -- I finish most of my major projects at work. I had a runny nose during the week, but I thought, yeah ok, it's just a runny nose. WRONG.
I wake up on 12/31 and the room is spinning. I get out of bed and I can't even make it to the bathroom. I prayed to the porcelain god a little bit before they took me to the hospital. I can't remember what I got next -- valium followed by other stuff. Woo hoo!
Fast forward 15 days later -- I am finally feeling like I am somewhat normal again. I spent 10 days in bed, and the last week learning how to walk again. Weak! I wonder if I remember how to drive.
Doctor said I have labryinthitis:
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear canals. The labyrinth is made up of 3 semicircular canals located deep inside the inner ear that help control your balance. Inflammation of these canals, or labyrinthitis, can occur as a result of a viral or, more rarely, bacterial infection.
So I don't recommend you go out and get this.
Dammm dude!!! Crazy stuff. Hope you are doing better now.
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